Welcome to the molecular common coordinate framework (molCCF)!

How is the molCCF built

What is in the Data Portal

This database includes spatially resolved single cells or spots across 434 sections, including 405 coronal sections and 29 sagittal sections from seven atlases. Each cell or spot has a 3D molCCF coordinate and is annotated:

Where to download the data

The following data will be available soon.

How to cite

Yichun He, Hao Sheng, Hailing Shi, Wendy Xueyi Wang, Zefang Tang, Jia Liu, Xiao Wang. Towards a universal spatial molecular atlas of the mouse brain. Preprint at bioRxiv https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.05.27.594872v1 (2024).

Please email Yichun He or Xiao wang with any questions, comments, or queries.


Publicly available datasets are used in this study (summarized in Supplementary Table 1). The following spatial transcriptomics atlases of mouse brain are used: Atlas 1, Atlas 2, Atlas 3, Atlas 4, Atlas 5, Atlas 6, Atlas 7. We thank the authors of these studies for making their data publicly available.

This site is managed by the Wang lab at the Broad Institute.